chika maduakolam
1 min readMar 30, 2020



It’s okay. It’s so okay. Okay to find that you don’t know you. Okay to know you weren’t made to be same. Okay to know the code isn’t for all. Okay to break the mould.

It will be okay. Okay for you to grow. Okay for you to go on that journey. Okay to find yourself. Find yourself. Okay to define you. You belong to no one. So why look to them to know. Know what’s okay and what’s not.

It has been okay. Okay to not break under the weight. Okay to cry. Okay to laugh. Okay to be you. Okay to be scared. Okay to fear death. Okay to speak out. Okay to speak up. Okay to speak within. Okay to be the truth.

You are okay.

